Rush Properties

Spring Cleaning Your Commercial Property: 7 Tips

March 20, 2023

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Spring is officially here! Spring cleaning isn't just for your home and personal life. For commercial buildings, it's just as crucial to clean up after winter by preparing for the warmer months and protecting your investment. Annually, our Rush Properties facilities and property management team works with licensed vendors to ensure that each building we manage is ready for the changes warmer weather brings. 


Here are our seven quick tips that building owners, office, and facilities managers should keep in mind as we step into the spring season:

  1. Parking Lot:
    Inspect catch basins and area drains for clogs or mud. Catch basins should be checked often, particularly after storms. Conduct a visual parking lot inspection and assess the asphalt, curbing, striping, and seal coat conditions. Bid and schedule repairs as early in the season as possible.


2. Landscaping:
Have your landscape vendor test irrigation lines and look for cracks and broken sprinkler heads. Determine the need for new landscaping (plants or beauty bark). Curb appeal makes a great first impression!

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3. Gutters: 
Have a professional clear gutter guards and downspouts of any clogged debris. Partner with a vendor who can also inspect gutters for damage over the winter. Clogged or damaged gutters can cause water to back up into the roof or siding and may lead to major damage. 


4. Windows: 
Schedule exterior window cleaning early. Vendors are busiest from April to September. 

5. Roof: 
Schedule a vendor to complete a roof inspection for damage that may have occurred during the winter season. Clear roof drains so they aren't blocked or plugged. In the Northwest, roof drains should be inspected regularly, especially after rain and windstorms. Seasonal changes can cause moss overgrowth. Treat roof ridgelines with non-toxic baking soda. 

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6. HVAC: 
In addition to quarterly maintenance, have your vendor inspect your cooling systems before the cooling season so necessary repairs can be made. In the Puget Sound area, cooling systems are typically turned on in May. 


7. Electrical: 
Check and adjust HVAC schedules and make modifications to ensure efficient system use. Check and clean lighting photo eyes as appropriate. 

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